Friday, December 11, 2009

Redemption Day'


  1. ad, bc-anno domini, before christ
  2. evolution-a fabled process of progressive change dependent on chance and time with the origin of life on earth
  3. government- institution that has both authority and power to control direct and to rule in the actions and affairs of others
  4. sovereign-god has suprene power over everything
  5. deluge- after the flood
  6. capital punishment-death penalty
  7. postdiluvian- post flood
  8. plain of shinar-lower mesopotamia
  9. babel- modern day babylon
  10. humanism-worship of man
  11. nation-large group of people who think of themselves as one and act n history as a single entity
  12. race-groups that mankind are divided into
  13. indo-eurpoean - language of the japhetic people


  1. his carnation,birth, life,death,resurrection, and ascension is the focal point of all history
  2. shem, ham, and japheth are noahs sons
  3. nimrod means we shall rebel and he built the first world empire
  4. at the tower of babel
  5. nimrod
  6. asis, caucasus mountains, shinar

Chapter Concepts

  1. history is the memory of mankind, his-story, the record of gods dealings with men since the beginning. b/c each generation need to know about great aspects and works of former generations nd what great things the contributed
  2. language and thought, awareness of the difference between right and wrong, freedom to make choices...because we are created in the image of god
  3. b/c history is not just an account of tradgies alone but also noble deeds, courage, honor,love dveotion. and great accomplishments
  4. beginning- the central event and the end are also recorded in the began when god had his act and his creation. middle- god;s act of redemption,his coming to the earth in the form of man to redeem men from their sins. it will end whith his judgement of this sinful world.
  5. ancient history- from beginning to the fall of the roman empire...medieval history- fall of roman to the beginning of the protestant reformation...modern history- beginning of protestant reformation until present.
  6. it comes from god since he is sovereign.
  7. god again taught man the sancity of human life and ordained that jmen set up systems of law and judgement to restraint evil and he wants them to be obedient to it
  8. languages started at the tower of babel and nations came with different languages, then people started to look different from one another so races got popular

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