Monday, October 5, 2009

Ch.7 review 2 and 3

  1. monarchy,council of elders and the assembly
  2. aristocracy is ruled by the best/oligarchy is ruled by the few/monarchy,aristocray,oligarchy,tyranny,democracy
  3. democracy is ruled by the many or common people
  4. it was tough, boys were trained to steal and trained, and all they did is fight
  5. darco was directed to prepare a code of law and it was written in blood/solons repealed the harsh edicts of darco/ solons because it didnt end with blood
  6. pericles/ men had to work for a living and couldnt perticipate in politics/ the golden age of greece
  7. 250 greek cities and a war broke out b/t them
  8. the delian league spartas supremacy was short lived 431-404 b.c.



Peloponnesran league-an alliance with corinth,megara and other cities

Court of Areopheus-wealthy athenians

Peisistratus-a noble men

Cleisthenes-emerged as the new champion of the common poeple

Ostracism-a quorum of citizens could vote to banish for ten years any person believed to be dangerous to the state

Representative Democarcy- citizens elect the few men who represent them in the gpvernment

Direct Demorcracy-Citizens made big decisions of government diretly themselves


  1. Philip II/hellenic league,he wanted to master all greece
  2. 334 b.c.
  3. his army included engineers and surveyors whos task was to help constuct engiens of war/he invaded india/he died of a fever
  4. he spread the greek culture and named cities alexandria
  5. ptolemies-they ruled egypt,seleucids-they got seria,mesopotamia,and persa,antigonids-they got macedonia and part of greece


Macedonia-ruled by antigonids

Demosthenes-urged fellow greeks to united against macedonia

Alexander The Great-youngest macedonian king

Alexandria-16 greek cities

Ipsus-it divied an empire among 4 generals who declared themselves king

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