Friday, December 11, 2009

Redemption Day'


  1. ad, bc-anno domini, before christ
  2. evolution-a fabled process of progressive change dependent on chance and time with the origin of life on earth
  3. government- institution that has both authority and power to control direct and to rule in the actions and affairs of others
  4. sovereign-god has suprene power over everything
  5. deluge- after the flood
  6. capital punishment-death penalty
  7. postdiluvian- post flood
  8. plain of shinar-lower mesopotamia
  9. babel- modern day babylon
  10. humanism-worship of man
  11. nation-large group of people who think of themselves as one and act n history as a single entity
  12. race-groups that mankind are divided into
  13. indo-eurpoean - language of the japhetic people


  1. his carnation,birth, life,death,resurrection, and ascension is the focal point of all history
  2. shem, ham, and japheth are noahs sons
  3. nimrod means we shall rebel and he built the first world empire
  4. at the tower of babel
  5. nimrod
  6. asis, caucasus mountains, shinar

Chapter Concepts

  1. history is the memory of mankind, his-story, the record of gods dealings with men since the beginning. b/c each generation need to know about great aspects and works of former generations nd what great things the contributed
  2. language and thought, awareness of the difference between right and wrong, freedom to make choices...because we are created in the image of god
  3. b/c history is not just an account of tradgies alone but also noble deeds, courage, honor,love dveotion. and great accomplishments
  4. beginning- the central event and the end are also recorded in the began when god had his act and his creation. middle- god;s act of redemption,his coming to the earth in the form of man to redeem men from their sins. it will end whith his judgement of this sinful world.
  5. ancient history- from beginning to the fall of the roman empire...medieval history- fall of roman to the beginning of the protestant reformation...modern history- beginning of protestant reformation until present.
  6. it comes from god since he is sovereign.
  7. god again taught man the sancity of human life and ordained that jmen set up systems of law and judgement to restraint evil and he wants them to be obedient to it
  8. languages started at the tower of babel and nations came with different languages, then people started to look different from one another so races got popular

Thursday, December 10, 2009

SR 2 on Page 263 plus Identify

  1. his royal family/spain,austria,netherlands,several itlian kingdoms
  2. he controlled a lot of the earths surface/spain became the golden century
  3. he was devoted to the roman church/he intensified the spanish inquisition
  4. john III/persecuted the jews
  5. they sucessfully transmited their lang. and cultures
  6. holland & belgiun/low lands/low countries
  7. they shed blood to defend their political and religious freedoms
  8. Charles V/Philip the Second/they were shocked and surprised
  9. william the silent prince of orange
  10. when they conquered spain/1648


  • Miguel de Cervantes-outstanding writer
  • Don Quixote-writen by Miguel and a master piece
  • Luiz de camoes-portugals greatest writer
  • Os Lusiadas-long epic poem
  • dikes-dam like barriers of earth and stone
  • Duke of Alva-cruel leader
  • Council of Blood-it was brutal council because of they way it treated dutch people
  • United Provinces-declared the netherlands to be independent of spain
  • Dutch Reformed Church-william the Silent

Chapter 14; Section Review 1 & Identify

  1. they had lived in such hardships. when martin luther preached salvation by faith peasants converted.they took back the freedom that the peasants had in the first place.
  2. he was more ofcused on forcing all of germany back into romanism.the peace of augsburg. 1555 they got a state established church.
  3. they had a counter reformation. they wanted to produce certain limited charges, prevent any more catholics from becoming proestant
  4. jesuits. to form a group of men who were didicated to the pope and roman church
  5. they spread romanism fast.


  • augsburg confession- first protestant confession by faith
  • inquisiton- counter reformation put "life" into it/.
  • ignatious loyola- spanish solider
  • council of trent- strongest stand against protestants

Monday, November 30, 2009

Test Part 1.

a) People
1. CELTS- descendants of people from the european mainland
2.JUTES.ANGLES.SAXONS-geramic tribes
5.ALFRED THE GREAT-first great king of england
8.HAROLD GODWIN-most powerful english noble that was elected king
9.WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR-led victorious in the battle of hastings
19.JOAN OF ARC- peasant girl who claimed to hear heavenly voices
25 .HUGH CAPET-king in 987
26.LOUIS VI- ruled when the capetians were ready to challenge the nobles power.
28.LOUIS IX-most memorable king of france
30.BONIFACE VIII- the pope that philip iv had a conflict with over whether the king could tax the clergy without the popes consent
33.FERDINAND AND ISABELLA-in 1469 prince ferdinant of argon and princess isabella of castile were married. the 10 year slater they were king and queen of spain.
39.MARCO POLO-the son of an italian merchant who accomapined his father and his uncle on a trip to china in 1271
42.CHRISTOPHER COLOMBUS-an italian born adventuerer, was waiting to greet the daring explorer.
Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles?

Ancient Britian

What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War?


Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century?


Which name did the Romans give to Spain?

These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain:


What does “reconquista” mean?


Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.

england,france,spain and porugal

What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site?

Which Germanic tribe named England?

Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him)

Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD?

hugh capet

Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after?

louis ix

What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out)

Which peninsula is Spain located on?
iberian peninsula

Name 3 Germanic tribes.

Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?
france and england and france won.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Joan of Ark

"iwould rather die than do something which I know to be a sin, or to be against God's will."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ch. 13 Section Review 1

  1. england, spain, france,portugal

  2. celts/brittanna

  3. angles,saxons, and jutes

  4. augustine/ 664

  5. the early english people had parts of the bible in their own language, and many writers were influenced by the scriptures.

  6. alfred the great/. he complied an englesh code of law.obliged all able-bodied men to serve in the national army and laid the foundations of the great english nation

  7. william the conqueror/october 14, 1066
  8. hewanted to increase his own power. he transformed europe in to a strong nation state/..he made a domesday book and direcfted his assistants to take a cenus
  9. changed the language and culture. they spoke french and anglo saxon... most immediate result was political.
  10. henry 1,,became lion of justice. issued charter of liberties and established exchequer.


  • england-angleland
  • scops-wandering poets
  • beowulf- greatest saxon poem
  • archbishop of canterbury- most influential church office in england
  • danelaw-area of england where danes were [northeastern part]
  • london-and important town located on the thames ricer in southeastern britian
  • canute the dane-king of england after the fell to viking invaders
  • harold godwin-most powerful noble
  • norman conquest- victory at the bttle of hastings
  • census- a count of people and property
  • domesday book- day of judgement.